Winter Break!

I finished up my week in the Golan without much excitement. It was mostly just the same thing every day, but on the last night I did go see The Wolf of Wall Street with my second cousin and his friend (and if you’re wondering, American movies are always shown in English with Hebrew subtitles) 

Then on Thursday I drove back to Jerusalem and my parents were here! Yey!Image We spent the week just going around Jerusalem, we visited Hebrew U, took A LOT of trips to the shuk, went to the tachana rishona, visited the old city, window shopped in Mamilla,  ate a lot of falafel, took a lot of naps, and had a really good time. Also, Arielle, my mom, and I went to the place where the fishies eat your feet, it tickled like crazy! ImageThey brought me tons of goodies too, including my Christmasukkah presents from Stacey 🙂  There’s some things you just can’t get here… like Red Vines and chocolate caramel santas….Image We joined my aunt and uncle, ALL the cousins (including 2 significant others) and Dalit and Tzuki (the family from the Golan) for shabbat dinner. That’s a grand total of 13 in their little apartment! But my aunt pulled it off flawlessly and everyone had a great time. On Sunday we drove to Haifa to visit with my dad’s aunt and Dalit (she lives in the Golan but babysits for her daughter Sunday in Haifa) We had dinner at Chen’s (that’s Dalit’s daughter) and i spent most of the night playing with her adorable 3 month old baby. Unfortunately, my Grandpa passed away on Tuesday, and so very early Thursday morning my dad and my uncle flew home to be with the family for the funeral. 

My mom stayed with me until late Friday night when her original flight was. We had a little Shabbat dinner with me, her, my aunt, and one cousin. It was little and quiet but very nice. The rest of Shabbat I spent at Agron (it was a closed Shabbat, but they let me go out Friday night for family stuff) Image

Tomorrow we start Israel Experience Week. We could choose between Gadna (army boot camp essentially), an archaeological dig, or volunteering in Haifa. I of course, being me, chose Gadna. It’s going to be a crazy week but I’ll update you on that next week!